12 tips to teach children to tidy their room


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Teach your kids to keep their room tidy

Scattered toys, clothes lying around, and open boxes of markers abound in a child's room. Are you tired of telling your dear darlings to tidy up their room? Here are some tips for them to learn how to tidy up their room. Union Complex is the best spot for purchasing luxury apartments in Lahore.

Multiply boxes

Children love to store their toys in boxes or baskets, which is easier for them. Install various plastic bins, cardboard boxes, and wicker baskets in their room in which they will slip toys and stuffed animals. On their desk, place boxes for markers and colored pencils. So that they can easily find their belongings afterward, you can label the boxes indicating their contents by writing them down or pasting a drawing, or even by applying a color to each category of objects.

Organize the space

There's nothing like dedicating a space for everything so that each object finds its place when it's time to put it away. Choose with your child the location he wishes to assign to each toy, for example. Then, when the fun time is over, he'll know exactly where to put each object. The storage can then take on the aspect of a game when you check that it has not made any mistakes.

Fix shelves

The shelves are attractive storage spaces because they do not infringe on the floor and save space. It is generally on the shelves where your children's books are stored, but they can also allow them to keep toys or stuffed animals that they wish to display for even more enjoyment. Secure the shelves at a convenient height for your child.

Establish a routine

Children are susceptible to establishing a routine that allows them to ritualize certain acts of the day. This solution can also be applied to storage. So, when your child comes home from school, teach him to first hang his jacket on his coat rack before putting away his school bag next to the desk and his shoes in the closet. Then, in the morning, get him into the habit of making his bed after getting dressed.

Avoid blackmail

Blackmail is never the right solution to teach a child to do what you hear from him. On the contrary, it leads to an unhealthy relationship. The same is true for reward promises. If your child has to learn to tidy up his room, it's not in exchange for candy or cake. Rewards and blackmail do not allow him to take responsibility.

Help your child

Teaching your child to tidy up their room doesn't mean you don't have to help them anymore. This is particularly the case if your child is still young. However, you can indeed help him, for example, to start tidying up his room to allow him to find his bearings and the proper method to apply. Then let him finish tidying up on his own and praise him when he's finished tidying up. If you need to get well mastermind and beautified rooms get luxury apartments in Lahore. 

Explain to your children the storage of clothes

Clothes are one of the hardest things for a child to put away. To get him on the right path to gaining independence at this level, you need to start by teaching him how to do it. So, make a stack of t-shirts and show him how to put them in the closet. He will then be able to do the next one in turn. In the same way, show him how to put a shirt or pants on a hanger so that he knows how to do it on his own afterward. Proceed by age: a very young child will be asked to put only his clothes in the dirty. Then, as we grow, we will add the stages as we go: prepare your outfit for the next day on a chair, put your clothes away in the wardrobe, fold your clean laundry.

Opt for bottom-up storage

To make it easier for your child to have what they need at hand, choose to store their belongings from the bottom up. For example, place his favorite toys and clothes at the bottom of the cupboard or shelves, and reserve the highest places for what he uses the least. This will make it easier and faster for him to put things back in their area.

Tidy it up as you go

When playing in particular, children tend to take out many toys, moving from one game to another as soon as they get tired. It is an excellent technique to teach them to tidy up their room and teach them the method of tidying up as they go: as soon as they have finished playing a game, they must tidy it up before moving on to the next one. They will quickly realize the time saved at the time of the last game to be put away.

Sort by category

To simplify the task for your child and prevent him from dispersing, teach him to store his toys by category. Ask him at the start what he prefers to start with: construction games, dolls. Once a variety of toys has been chosen, he will put it away before moving on to the next category, and so on until all the room is tidy.

Explain the benefits of storage

To become independent in the storage of his room and stick to it over time, your child must understand why he has to do it. For example, you can teach them that you sleep better in a tidy room and that toys or clothes lying around on the floor represent a real danger if you walk or slip on them. Also, stepping on a player can break it. Also, explain that a tidy room is easier and quicker to clean and that cleanliness is essential for their health.


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